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FinancialForce is a cloud-based software solution that provides a range of financial management and accounting applications built on the Salesforce platform. There are two versions: PSA/SRP and FFA and we support both.

Before connecting to FinancialForce

Install the Expensify bundle in SalesForce using the relevant installer:

Check contact details in FF

First, make sure you have a user and contact in FinancialForce that match your main email in Expensify. Then, create contacts for all employees who will be sending expense reports. Ensure that each contact’s email matches the one they use in their Expensify account.

If you use PSA/SRP

Each report approver needs both a User and a Contact. The user does not need to have a SalesForce license. These can be free chatter users. Set permission controls in FinancialForce for your user for each contact/resource.

  • Go to Permission Controls
    • Create a new permission control
    • Set yourself (exporter) as the user
    • Select the resource (report submitter)
    • Grant all available permissions
  • Set permissions on any project you are exporting to
    • Go to Projects > select a project > Project Attributes > Allow Expenses Without Assignment
    • Select the project > Edit
    • Under the Project Attributes section, check Allow Expenses Without Assignment
  • Set up Expense Types (categories in Expensify - SRP only)
    • Go to Main Menu > + symbol > Expense Type GLA Mappings
    • Click New to add new mappings

How to connect to FinancialForce

  1. Go to Settings > Policies > Groups > [Policy Name] > Connections in Expensify
  2. Click Create a New FinancialForce Connection
  3. Log into your FinancialForce account
  4. Expensify and FinancialForce will begin to sync (in Expensify)

How to configure export settings for FinancialForce

Preferred Exporter

The preferred exporter is the user who will be the main exporter of reports. This person will receive the notifications for errors.

Payable Invoice Status and Date

Reports can be exported as Complete or In Progress, using date of last expense, submitted date or exported date.

Reimbursable and non-reimbursable exports

Both reimbursable and non-reimbursable reports are exported as payable invoices (FFA) or expense reports (PSA/SRP). If you have both Reimbursable and Non-Reimbursable expenses on a single report, we will create a separate payable invoice/expense report for each type.

Default Vendor (FFA)

Choose from the full list of vendors from your FinancialForce FFA account, this will be applied to the non-reimbursable payable invoices.

How to Configure coding for Financial Force


Select which FinancialForce company to import from/export to.

Chart of Accounts (FFA)

Prepaid Expense Type and Profit & Loss accounts are imported to be used as categories on each expense.

Expense Type GLA Mappings (PSA/SRP)

Your Expense Type GLA Mappings are enabled in Expensify to use as categories on each expense when using both PSA and SRP; however, PSA will not import or export categories, while SRP will.

Dimensions (FFA)

We import four dimension levels and each has three options to select from:

  • Do not map: FinancialForce defaults will apply to the payable invoice, without importing into Expensify
  • Tags: These are shown in the Tag section of your policy, and employees can select them on each expense created
  • Report fields: These will show in the Reports section of your policy. Employees can select one to be applied at the header level i.e. the entire report.

Projects, Assignments, or Projects & Assignments (PSA/SRP)

These can be imported as tags with Milestones being optional. When selecting to import only projects, we will derive the account from the project. If an assignment is selected, we will derive both the account and project from the assignment.

Note: If you are using a project that does not have an assignment, the box Allow Expenses Without Assignment must be checked on the project in FinancialForce.


Import tax rates from FinancialForce to apply to expenses.

How to configure advanced settings for Financial Force

Auto Sync

Auto Sync in FinancialForce performs daily updates to your coding. Additionally, it automatically exports reports after they receive final approval. For Non-Reimbursable expenses, syncing happens immediately upon final approval of the report. In the case of Reimbursable expenses, syncing occurs as soon as the report is reimbursed or marked as reimbursed.

Export tax as non-billable

When exporting Billable expenses, this dictates whether you will also bill the tax component to your clients/customers.

Deep Dive

Multi-Currency in FinancialForce PSA/SRP

When exporting to FinancialForce PSA/SRP you may see up to three different currencies on the expense report in FinancialForce, if employees are submitting expenses in more than one original currency.

  • Summary Total Reimbursement Amount: this currency is derived from the currency of the project selected on the expense.
  • Amount field on the Expense line: this currency is derived from the Expensify policy default report currency.
  • Reimbursable Amount on the Expense line: this currency is derived from the currency of the resource with an email matching the report submitter.


What happens if the report can’t be exported to FinancialForce?

  • The preferred exporter will receive an email outlining the issue and any specific error messages
  • Any error messages preventing the export from taking place will be recorded in the report’s history
  • The report will be listed in the exporter’s Expensify Inbox as awaiting export.

If I enable Auto Sync, what happens to existing approved and reimbursed reports?

You can activate Auto Sync without worry because it relies on Final Approval to trigger auto-export. Existing Approved reports won’t be affected. However, for Approved reports that haven’t been exported to FinancialForce, you’ll need to either manually export them or mark them as manually entered.

How do I export tax?

Tax rates are created in Expensify through the tax tracking feature under Settings > Policies > Group > [Policy Name] > Tax. We export the tax amount calculated on the expenses.

How do reports map to Payable Invoices in FinancialForce FFA?

  • Account Name - Account associated with Expensify submitter’s email address
  • Reference 1 - Report URL
  • Invoice Description - Report title

How do reports map to Expense Reports in FinancialForce PSA/SRP?

  • Expense report name - Report title
  • Resource - User associated with Expensify submitter’s email address
  • Description - Report URL
  • Approver - Expensify report approver

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